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I’m Gina, a mom of three in Northern Virginia who blogs about family finance and frugality. Since 2008, MoneywiseMoms has helped busy moms reduce spending, increase savings, and have frugal fun with their families.

Why do kids eat the same food over and over for months, years even, and then all of a sudden deem it “icky?” My kids eat well, most of the time, but they still have this quirk. Do yours? My solution is Toddler Tapas: The word tapas comes from Spanish cuisine, derived from the Spanish …

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This post contains affiliate links. I’m always looking for creative, frugal gifts for the many kid birthdays we celebrate with friends. For the past two years, most 5 & 6 year olds received the Frugal Kid Art Gift. Now, my son and his friends are all into Pokemon cards. For a long time, they were …

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