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I love to promote family-friendly companies that fit within the editorial content of this blog. Before you send a pitch, please take a few minutes to read through Moneywise Moms to see the types of posts, products, and companies promoted. Contact Gina with questions or for more information. Note: I am not accepting guest posts at this time.
All sponsored posts, giveaways, reviews, etc. will contain a Disclosure Statement per FTC guidelines. Learn more About Me.
Some Numbers for You… (updated Nov 1, 2020)
Moneywise Moms promotes posts through several social media outlets:
- Google Analytics: 70,000 page views per month, with 49,000 users (unique visitors) across 59,000 sessions.
- Facebook: 5100 Fans
- Twitter: 23k Followers
- Email Subscribers: 1689
- Pinterest: 12k Followers with 3.2 million monthly viewers
- Instagram: 2300 Followers
And a note about where I live…
Yes, I live in the DC-Metro area and am part of multiple women’s business groups and area blogging groups. However, the readership of Moneywise Moms is national. Current stats show that most of my readership comes from the urban areas of California, Texas, and Florida in addition to the DC-Metro area. I do not typically promote local events/campaigns unless they also include a national reach. Please keep that in mind when sending pitches. Thank you!
Email me: [email protected]
If you are a member of the press, please email me to set up a time to speak by phone.
- Northern Virginia, January 2019: Your New Year’s Resolution Roadmap
- Redbook, April 2014: Zero debt: You can do this! (image here)
- MSN Money, September 11, 2012: Toothpaste for $1.44 an ounce? Tactics to cut the cost of travel toiletries
- Washington Post Capital Business, June 18, 2012: Safeway takes Club Card to the Next Level
- I Am Modern Magazine, Spring 2012: Blogalicious: Local Mommy Bloggers
- Ad Age Magazine, July 11, 2011: Beware the Coupon Mom
- All You Magazine, April 22, 2011; Negotiate lower bills (source)
- Washington Parent Magazine, February, 2011; Parenthood: An Inspiration for New Enterprises
- Shop Smart Magazine, November 2009; The Best Mommy Blogs
- Washington Post, July 11, 2009; Small Change
- Washington Post, June 12, 2009; A Race to Keep up with the Tightwads
- CNN Newsroom, June 2, 2012; watch the video
- Moneywise Mom Bloggers (CNN and affiliate news stations), October 8, 2009
- Let’s Talk Live (News8 in DC), June 23, 2009
- Money Magazine, April 9, 2019: How to Teach Your Kids About Money – and Make Them Want to do Chores – According to Family Finance Experts
- US News & World Report, January 17, 2018: How to Adopt a Frugal Lifestyle
- Equifax: Family Money, January 5, 2015: Four Ways to Make Extra Cash This Year
- Money Magazine, December 5, 2014: 8 Smart Ways to Save When Buying Holiday Gifts for a Big Family
- Mint, December 2, 2014: Expert Interview with Gina Lincicum about Balancing the Family Budget
- Momtastic, November 17, 2014: How 12 Real Moms Are Saving Real Money This Holiday Season
- The Centsible Life, August 7, 2014: Family CFO Interview: Gina Lincicum of MoneywiseMoms
- AllParenting.com, April 16, 2014: Light Meals for Warmer Weather
- LearnVest.com, March 6, 2014: How to Rebalance Your Portfolio and Your Life
- BabyZone.com, February 6, 2014: 10 Moms Answer the Question: How Long Did You Breastfeed?
- WomansDay.com, November 8, 2013: 9 Things You Didn’t Know you Could Make in a Muffin Tin
- NetCredit.com, August 26, 2013: Pack School Lunches on a Shoestring Budget
- LasFabulosas.com, August 2013: Personal Consultant: Saving on School Supplies
- allParenting, May 27, 2013: Moms’ Biggest Fears About Having Multiples
- Good Housekeeping, January 2013; A Year’s Worth of Money Resolutions
- Denver Post, October 1, 2012: How to Save on Halloween
- Mamahhh…, May 29, 2012: Self-Care Strategies: Moneywise Mom Gina Lincicum
- Ad Age Online, July 11, 2011; How to Fill Your Pantry for Pennies? Yep, There’s a Class for That
- Yahoo! Finance, September 8, 2011; Children Excluded from School Shopping?
- My Healthy Beginning Magazine, Winter 2011; Working Moms
- Frugal Living Guide, Bankrate, September 14, 2010; 5 Ways to Save in 5 Minutes
- Money, blog on US News & World Report.com, July 20, 2010; Things You Should Never Buy Used
- Small Change, blog on WashingtonPost.com, July 10, 2009; The Perils of Online Shopping
- ABCNews.com, June 16, 2009; How to Embrace Your Inner Cheapskate
- MSN Smart Spending, May 19, 2009; Summer movies–for free or a buck
- MSN Smart Spending, May 14, 2008; CVS and beyond: The superstars of “The Drugstore Game”