Are you trying to work from home with kids in the house? It can be overwhelming, but it’s not impossible! Here are some tips to help you work around your children so that they won’t interfere too much with your work.
Moms are constantly faced with the challenge of balancing work and parenting. It can be even harder when you work from home. There are many obstacles for work from home moms.
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If you’re are working from home alongside the kids, there’s no doubt it’s going to be challenging! Any parent knows that getting anything done with their kids around can be almost impossible sometimes.
Ways to Work with Kids in the House
However, there are some great tips you can follow to make working from home with the kids much easier. It’s all about finding the right balance. Here, you’ll learn some of the best ways you can effectively work from home even with kids in the house.
Plan engaging activities
When you need to get on with an important project, it can help to get the kids immersed in an engaging activity. Craft projects tend to be a popular option. They are fun for the kids, and they take a while to complete.
You’ll find hundreds of craft project ideas online. Try and find something which utilizes supplies you already have in the home. Then, they can be getting on with their crafts while you complete your important work tasks.
Create a routine early on
Working from home and having the kids home all day is a new experience for both you and them. Therefore, it’s going to help if you create a routine as early as you can.
Kids thrive with a routine so make sure you all have set wake up, meal and bedtimes. Try and schedule time you can spend together on your breaks too. That way, they are still getting one to one attention from you, reducing the likelihood they’ll pester you when you need to get on with work.

Take advantage of nap times
If your kids are still quite young, make sure you take advantage of nap times. These are the perfect opportunity for you to get a bulk of your work done without having to worry about the kids.
Ensure you have a quiet workspace
One thing you’re going to need when you’re working from home with the kids, is a quiet workspace. It should be away from all distractions and ideally you shouldn’t be disturbed while you’re there.
Of course, this can be tricky, but if you explain to the kids that you can’t be disturbed and why it’s important, you’ll find they are typically willing to listen.

Utilize technology
In usual times, you try to limit your child’s exposure to technology. However, when you’re trying to work from home, you’ll find technology can be a real help.
When you don’t want to be disturbed, let the kids watch a movie or play on a smartphone or tablet device. This will keep them occupied for a longer period of time, allowing you to take that conference call for example.
It’s not easy working from home with the kids, but it isn’t impossible either. Follow the above tips to make it that little bit easier during these difficult times. And then laugh at these memes about parents working from home!

Bethany Learn
Wednesday 16th of November 2022
I began working from home when I launched Fit2B and my kids were 5 and 2 years old. They are now 17 and 14. Managing a family friendly fitness website while hybrid homeschooling 2 kids was full of challenges and rewards. The freedom it has given me to be there for them and give them their own freedom has definitely paid off! I could write and practice workouts for future filmings while they were nearby or at select classes. I learned how to juggle BIGTIME and I have no regrets! My daughter will finish high school with her diploma and her AA degree. My son is a talented musician, playing on several bands. To the moment struggling to work from home, I say to set boundaries, but always stop everything for your kids 💜